Essential Question

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the best way for a blue belt in the light weight division to have a chance in winning the Pan-American Worlds Tournament?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

         a) I James Britt, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

         b) My professor Albert Alvarado was a great help to me for completing my independent    component, along with a several articles; Conditioning for the BJJ Fighter and How exercise can help you master new skills. These articles helped me complete my independent component along with coming up with my first answer to my essential question.

         c) Done. It is written as Independent Component 1

         d) In my independent component I have been trying to find different answers to my EQ. The way have been doing that is by testing it. My professor helped me out in any way he could. In my Jiu Jitsu class he focused on me trying to help me find my answers to my essential question. I went to as many classes I could with me trying different aspects of jiu jitsu trying to answer my essential question. In the class I focused on my body endurance as well as my technique. In these classes, he answered my questioned about why its important to work on this part of my Jiu Jitsu game. What he is trying to get me to do now is to have self perseverance and to be positive.


       a) During my thirty hours of work, I trained nonstop trying to answer all the questions I had for my senior topic. During those hours I trained for the biggest Jiu Jitsu tournament out there. By doing so, I took double classes which was each class focusing on different aspects of jiu jitsu and also doing the tournament classes. During this time I also focused on preparing for a november tournament to see if I was ready for any tournament that I placed second in.

          a) During this component I also researched the beginning of this martial art. I wanted to know where it came from and what it meant to a lot of people. My mentor taught me so much about this sport. Told me what it meant to him. throughout the research I have read, to many people jiu jitsu means the gentle art or the way of life. During this component I did a total of two interviews. My first interview consisted of the history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and how it became to be today. I researched The history of this art as well as how it evolved over the many many years. During one of my interviews with my mentor, I asked him what Jiu Jitsu meant to him and he told me that Jiu Jitsu was the way of life for him. During this time I realized that I needed a strong essentials question where I could have some legit answers to where I had to dig hard for.

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