Essential Question

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the best way for a blue belt in the light weight division to have a chance in winning the Pan-American Worlds Tournament?

Friday, January 31, 2014

Blog 13 lesson 2 reflection

1. One of the things I liked about my presentation was that I felt like I explained my answer very well along with finding a possible answer to my EQ. 

2. A: I would give myself a P
    B: I think I deserve this grade because felt like I explained what my answer had to do with my EQ as well as me making time talking about my answer, research cited, my mentorship, and as well as my activity being tied in with my answer and also making time with my activity. 

3: I felt that the activity worked the most for me because I think everyone understood what the whole purpose of it was. I also felt like my answer was detailed fairly well. Good enough for my peers to understand what I was talking about. 

4. The thing that bugged me the most about my presentation was that fact that when I got up there, I sort of panicked when presenting because one of my slides weren't there and that little mistake messed up my flow of things as well as what I was going to say without looking at the board for help. If I could go back in time i would change that along with me actually debriefing About my activity because I think forgot that part of my presentation. 

5. My answer 2 would be:
Having perfect body movement and techniques to achieve submissions. 

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