Essential Question

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the best way for a blue belt in the light weight division to have a chance in winning the Pan-American Worlds Tournament?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Blog 21: Mentorship


  • Albert Alvarado at Caique Jiu Jitsu walnut
  • The most important thing I gained from this experience is being able to actually conduct legit research and also being able to back up my answers with evidence, examples, and my own experiments that I conducted. Because of this, I had the ability to put a well written research paper together and it having plenty of evidence to back up my answers. The reason why this was the most important is simply the fact that I now know how to find sources that are reliable and write a paper that made sense and made me look professional. Without taking this part of my senior project serious, then I would not have been able to come up with my answers let alone have a senior project.
  • I have researched my topic and the effects of sparring on the body, I have conducted my own experiments, interviewed experts in the field of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and have put all that Ive learned to the test. When researching I found my first answer to my EQ along with my third answer. When conducting my interviews with different experts in the field, they helped me come up with my second answer to my EQ. When it came to answer my EQ, I did it by putting myself out there and testing out my answers in a tournament that was related to my EQ. This all helped me answer my essential question because I basically put everything to the test.

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